Navigate Your Token Economy with Precision

Cenit's Continuous Monitoring is your token economy compass.
Align your team, investors, and community with a robust token economy that adapts to real-world dynamics.
Simulation tokenomics with continuous monitoring
Clients Cenit - Kimchi fund
Clients Cenit - Faculty
Clients Cenit - Dextools
Clients Cenit - Diva
Clients Cenit - Cora Protocol
Clients Cenit - Frakt

Cut Through Uncertainty with Real-Time Data

Make smart decisions fast, without getting overwhelmed by the market's twists and turns.
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Tokenomics simulationTokenomics platform

From Assumptions to Actionable Insights

Move from speculative models to solid strategies. Cenit’s tool dynamically aligns with actual market and user behaviors, turning raw data into economic foresight.
Get an example reportTokenomics platform

Stay Ahead of Market Dynamics

Tweak your token game plan with the latest updates and keep its value safe under volatile markets.
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Tokenomics stress testing
Cenit Finance

One platform for every possible scenario

Looking for inspiration? Get started with our simulations templates

Explore different tokenomics templates and obtain quantifiable insights. Begin with foundational concepts like staking, burning and buybacks, then tailor them to craft your distinctive economy